Sunday School |
Sunday School for children pre-K and up is held during Sunday morning worship time. Children are always welcome to stay for the duration of the worship service; however, typically children begin worship in the sanctuary with their parent(s) or caregiver(s). After the children's sermon time early in the service, they are led by the Christian Educator to their classroom for engaging Bible lessons and activities. There is also staffed nursery care for babies and toddlers during Sunday worship
Adult Education |
At Pebble Hill we engage in ongoing study and practice to deepen our faith and broaden understanding of our Christian purpose. Morning Forums are held most Sundays from 11:15-12:15 following worship and fellowship time. Forum topics range from Bible studies to theological reflections on current events and issues to presentations by members and guest speakers (sharing from their areas of expertise, experiences, or faith journeys). Seasonal studies are held during the week in Advent and Lent.
Please see our current areas of adult studies: Environmental Stewardship Witness to Racial Reconciliation |
Seasonal mid-week studies are facilitated during Advent and Lent to further support faith learning and practice in our adult members and guests. Ash Wednesday We will have a service for the beginning of Lent, on Ash Wednesday, February 22 at 7pm in the sanctuary. Please join us for: Ash Wednesday Service Lenten study |
Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church
5299 Jamesville Road DeWitt, NY 13214 315-446-0960 Office hours: Monday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Closed Friday Email: [email protected] 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service |