Congregational Committees
To love and serve God and neighbor with open hearts, open hands and open minds.
Christian Education
Oversees educational ministries for children, youth and adults, including classes, special events (Advent Festival, Christmas and Easter worship and programs), mission trips, and inter-generational programming.
The Finance Committee is responsible for the Operating Funds of the church through budget development, reports to Session and the congregation, and responding to financial requests from Session. The committee also manages the church’s investment portfolio.
Reaches out in word and deed to church members, visitors to our worship, and those who express an interest joining our church. The committee strives to enhance the fellowship of the congregation by all means.
Memorial Gifts & Endowment
Encourages Christians to ensure the advancement of the Kingdom of God by the allocation of their resources through gifts. The committee also receives and evaluates applications for the use of monies from the Memorial Fund, in keeping with the mission of the church.
Coordinates and oversees Pebble Hill’s many mission projects and designates mission giving to support organizations that do faithful and wonderful work - locally and regionally - and to support denominational mission efforts around the world.
Oversees staff performance reviews, manages staff transitions, and ensures adherence to the personnel policies of the church.
The Property committee has the responsibility to care for and maintain the church building, manse, and surrounding church grounds.
Works with our Pastor and Organist/Choirmaster to plan and enhance the worship experience for the congregation. The committee's responsibilities include planning special services, preparing communion, keeping the oil candles filled, and adorning the sanctuary for the Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter seasons.
Oversees educational ministries for children, youth and adults, including classes, special events (Advent Festival, Christmas and Easter worship and programs), mission trips, and inter-generational programming.
The Finance Committee is responsible for the Operating Funds of the church through budget development, reports to Session and the congregation, and responding to financial requests from Session. The committee also manages the church’s investment portfolio.
Reaches out in word and deed to church members, visitors to our worship, and those who express an interest joining our church. The committee strives to enhance the fellowship of the congregation by all means.
Memorial Gifts & Endowment
Encourages Christians to ensure the advancement of the Kingdom of God by the allocation of their resources through gifts. The committee also receives and evaluates applications for the use of monies from the Memorial Fund, in keeping with the mission of the church.
Coordinates and oversees Pebble Hill’s many mission projects and designates mission giving to support organizations that do faithful and wonderful work - locally and regionally - and to support denominational mission efforts around the world.
Oversees staff performance reviews, manages staff transitions, and ensures adherence to the personnel policies of the church.
The Property committee has the responsibility to care for and maintain the church building, manse, and surrounding church grounds.
Works with our Pastor and Organist/Choirmaster to plan and enhance the worship experience for the congregation. The committee's responsibilities include planning special services, preparing communion, keeping the oil candles filled, and adorning the sanctuary for the Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter seasons.
Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church
5299 Jamesville Road DeWitt, NY 13214 315-446-0960 Office hours: Monday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Closed Friday Email: [email protected] 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service |