Pebble Hill Worship
“Meaningful, thought-provoking, moving, uplifting.” These are words used by our members to describe the experience of worship at Pebble Hill. Sunday worship is the cornerstone of the life of our church. Our service is based on seasonal themes from scripture, enhanced by meditations prepared by the pastor, as well as a special time of conversation with children. Communion is served monthly. Music is an important part of the service. It includes singing a variety of hymns by the congregation, instrumental music from the organ, the piano, or guest musicians, and choral offerings from our choir. In addition to Sunday morning worship, additional worship opportunities are sometimes available, such as evening services in Advent or Lent, or Sunday afternoon Vespers services.
View Previous Sunday Worship Services
A Few Notes about Worship
We Gather in God’s Name
The service starts with a call to worship and a hymn of praise. Singing together unites our voices and turns our hearts to God. We are blessed with a wonderful choir led by our Organist/Choir Master.
We acknowledge our brokenness and pain. Each week we “confess our sin,” not because we are especially bad, but because it’s part of being honest with God, each other and ourselves. We say this confession together, recognizing that we are asking for forgiveness not only for ourselves but for everyone. Jesus tells us that if we confess our sin, we will be forgiven. After the prayer of confession comes a joyful assurance that we truly are forgiven. We sing in praise because we are forgiven.
We pass the Peace of Christ. As forgiven people we are at peace. We share that peace with all who are present.We honor our children and have a special time and story for them in worship. During the school year, the children then leave for Sunday school. In the summertime, they go back to sit with their families.
We Share and Proclaim God’s Word
The reading of Scripture is an integral part of our Sunday worship. Our pastor prepares the sermon based upon the designated Scripture. Sometimes we read the Scripture responsively, meaning that the worship leader reads one line and we read the next. Hymns are chosen also to reflect the readings. We pray to God that we will hear His word in Scripture and sermon.
We Give Thanks to God
We pray for the needs of others, ourselves and the world. We share our joys and concerns and are led in prayer. We believe God draws near to us, hears us and answers us.
We offer to God our gifts of song, prayer, service and money. These are ways to say thank you and to share what we have.
Presbyterians have two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). We believe that God’s love comes to us in these sacraments, even when we don’t know it or feel it. We baptize someone into the family of God either as a child or as an adult.
In the Lord’s Supper, we believe God feeds us with bread and with Spirit, which strengthen us to work with God in the world. Everyone who seeks the love of Jesus Christ is welcome to participate, including children. We serve communion to you in the pews, offering bread and a gluten-free alternative and juice instead of wine. We receive it all together. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and on other special days like Christmas Eve and Easter.
We Go in God’s Name
Our worship has ended – our service begins.
We Gather in God’s Name
The service starts with a call to worship and a hymn of praise. Singing together unites our voices and turns our hearts to God. We are blessed with a wonderful choir led by our Organist/Choir Master.
We acknowledge our brokenness and pain. Each week we “confess our sin,” not because we are especially bad, but because it’s part of being honest with God, each other and ourselves. We say this confession together, recognizing that we are asking for forgiveness not only for ourselves but for everyone. Jesus tells us that if we confess our sin, we will be forgiven. After the prayer of confession comes a joyful assurance that we truly are forgiven. We sing in praise because we are forgiven.
We pass the Peace of Christ. As forgiven people we are at peace. We share that peace with all who are present.We honor our children and have a special time and story for them in worship. During the school year, the children then leave for Sunday school. In the summertime, they go back to sit with their families.
We Share and Proclaim God’s Word
The reading of Scripture is an integral part of our Sunday worship. Our pastor prepares the sermon based upon the designated Scripture. Sometimes we read the Scripture responsively, meaning that the worship leader reads one line and we read the next. Hymns are chosen also to reflect the readings. We pray to God that we will hear His word in Scripture and sermon.
We Give Thanks to God
We pray for the needs of others, ourselves and the world. We share our joys and concerns and are led in prayer. We believe God draws near to us, hears us and answers us.
We offer to God our gifts of song, prayer, service and money. These are ways to say thank you and to share what we have.
Presbyterians have two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). We believe that God’s love comes to us in these sacraments, even when we don’t know it or feel it. We baptize someone into the family of God either as a child or as an adult.
In the Lord’s Supper, we believe God feeds us with bread and with Spirit, which strengthen us to work with God in the world. Everyone who seeks the love of Jesus Christ is welcome to participate, including children. We serve communion to you in the pews, offering bread and a gluten-free alternative and juice instead of wine. We receive it all together. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and on other special days like Christmas Eve and Easter.
We Go in God’s Name
Our worship has ended – our service begins.
Membership at Pebble Hill
Adult EducationAt Pebble Hill we engage in ongoing study and practice to deepen our faith and broaden understanding of our Christian purpose.
Morning Forums are held most Sundays from 11:30-12:30 following worship and fellowship time. Forum topics range from Bible studies to theological reflections on current events and issues to presentations by members and guest speakers (sharing from their areas of expertise, experiences, or faith journeys). Seasonal studies are held during the week in Advent and Lent. |
Visitors and friends are welcome to participate in worship at Pebble Hill and to join in the life of the church. Pastoral care is extended to you; and you are welcomed and encouraged to be involved in our ministries and activities.
Your decision to unite with Pebble Hill through membership is the commitment you make to help us grow in faith and love; to extend the witness and mission of Pebble Hill into the wider community and into the world; and to serve God with open hands, open heart and open mind. Visitors and friends who would like to know more about membership are invited to Newcomer classes, which are offered at various times throughout the year. Please contact Pastor Courtney Steininger at [email protected] or Nancy Byrne at [email protected] if you have any questions at all regarding membership. |
Pebble Hill Presbyterian Church
5299 Jamesville Road DeWitt, NY 13214 315-446-0960 Office hours: Monday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Closed Friday Email: [email protected] 10:00 a.m. - Worship Service |